Sunday, August 24, 2008

Beach Fun 08

This was our first time to the coast as a family. All of us have been there over the last two years, except bug, but not all together! We couldn't have picked a better day. It was fantastic!! Very warm, just a light breeze, spots of clouds, we had a blast. We also were able to save a crab being attacked by seagulls. Which was especially fun because one of our favorite books to read to Lil' B right now is Kermit the Hermit, so she felt like she had saved Kermit. It's a fanstatic kid's book, if you want to check it out.

B loves finding things and spent most of his time scouring the beach for treasure, and I love just walking along the sand, stepping in each other's footprints, and laying in the sun. The kids loved throwing rocks, running from the ocean water, and digging.

Sadly, this concludes our summer fun, because B will return to work on Monday.

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