He came in the biggest snow storm the Portland area has seen in 30 years on Sunday, December 21st. B and I trekked over to Alma Midwifery Birthing Center in full winter gear, mom pausing a few times on the steps outside for contractions, standing in a foot of snow. We made it there a little after 7 am and he was born at 8:41 am, weighing in at 8 lbs. 5 ounces and 21 inches long. We are so blessed, and fully in love all over again.
Lil' B was so excited to finally meet her new brother, who she lovingly calls "Moose Truck" or "Jo-Jo", and on here he will just be "moose". Bug is surprisingly accepting of his new little brother who he refers to simply as "baby".
We're snowed in for the holidays, reading lots of stories, changing many diapers, cuddling a lot, drinking plenty of tea and cocoa, and playing in the snow. Papa B built a six foot snow slide in our backyard with Lil' B. Our neighbors built snowball fighting forts at two strategic locations on our block. I love watching people skiing through our neighborhood streets, and families pulling kids in sleds to go to the grocery store.
Merry Christmas to you all!